17.) December 15, 2020 Elijah Malachi 3:23-24a
Now I am sending to you Elijahthe prophet, before the day of the LORD comes, the great and terrible day; He will turn the heart of fathers to their sons, and the heart of sons to their fathers.
(Elijah is one of the great prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures. He is to return before the coming of the Messiah. John the Baptizer is patterned after Elijah)
I am very zealous for my God. My mouth must speak, my hands must do, and my feet must go, what and to where God instructs. I have been kept alive by food-bearing ravens, and kept a widow’s oil and flour jars miraculously full in famine. I alone bested hundreds of Baal’s priests, and humbled myself at the whispering sound of God. Always I strove to be true to my God, even as others thought me mad. God caught me up in a chariot of fire, but I will return. My return will herald the coming, so stay zealous, too.Thought: Can I remain zealous in my faith in you, God, as I await your return?