I find the readings for today to be just a bit sad for me. The last line in the excerpt from Deuteronomy commands that we teach the law of the Lord to our children and our children’s children. The Psalm says that God has blessed the children of Jerusalem (all believers) and Jesus in today’s Gospel from Matthew tells us to teach the law to others. I find this sad because I don’t have children with whom I could share my faith. God had other plans for me that did not include being a mother. I still am sad about that, and the readings today accentuate that sadness. I love my church and so wished to share that love with my children. Years ago, when I was whining about not being able to have children, my wise father told me to hush and figure out what it was that God had in store for me. It seemed harsh at the time, but Dad was right (as he usually is). I have found avenues for sharing my faith, and I hope my daily life and these blog posts does that as well. The deep ache of childlessness has subsided for the most part. I’ve come to trust that God knew best. Still, there are times when something hits me, like today’s reading, and I get wistful. All you parents out there, give your children a hug and a blessing today. Share your faith with them. You are blessed to have the opportunity to do so.