Wednesday December 29, 2021 Jesse Tree-Doves Luke 2:22-35
Our Gospel today recounts the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. Our Jesse Tree symbol is the two doves given by Joseph and Mary to sacrifice. At the temple, a man named Simeon proclaims that the light has come to Israel. He goes on to say that Jesus will bring about conflict and Mary’s heart will be laid open to reveal the thoughts of many. I’ve never understood what that means exactly, but I think it has to do with watching her son’s life unfold and not being able to control it. She will see the good he does that upsets many. She will hear the hurtful things said to and about him, and not be able to shield him. She will watch as he is killed and be unable to stop it. It is a terrible feeling to be powerless. Mary shows us that submitting to God’s will is not always easy.