5th Thursday of Lent

In today’s reading from Genesis, God changes Abram’s name to Abraham. In his culture, a name was very important. The new name makes him a new creation. We were all given a name at our Baptism and another one at Confirmation (those of us who have celebrated these Sacraments) making us new creations. Think about […]

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5th Wednesday of Lent

The excerpt from the book of Daniel today tells us about three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and how they will not bow in worship of the king’s idol at the sound of any musical instrument. They refuse even though the punishment is death in a fiery furnace. I believe music should be a way

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5th Tuesday of Lent

A good and righteous man is honored today, St. Joseph, husband of Mary and earthly father of Jesus.  Joseph was a wonderful example of fidelity and fatherhood… but he never speaks a word in Sacred Scripture! St. Francis of Assisi is reputed to have said, “Preach always; sometimes use words.” St. Joseph didn’t need words; his

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5th Monday of Lent

Today we have two trapped women. In both cases the crowds are all too willing to believe them guilty of adultery, and feel a trial is unnecessary. Yet in both cases, an advocate steps forward. This should make us stop and examine our consciences. Do we judge without all the facts? Are we intimidated by

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5th Sunday of Lent

Jeremiah, in the 1st reading today, promises we will no longer need to teach others that we are God’s people. They will just know it because we have been forgiven. God no longer remembers our sins. They have been driven away! How perfect! Today commemorates St. Patrick, who supposedly drove the snakes out of Ireland. Satan,

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4th Saturday of Lent

  ‘No prophet arises from Galilee’, the Pharisees attest today. Jesus is accounted as nothing because he is not what they are looking for and worse, he is from a backwater nothing of a town. This passage gave me pause. I wonder how often I ignore folks and what they say because they are not ‘learned’

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4th Friday in Lent

The book of Wisdom is describing a God-fearing person today. That person makes everyone else uncomfortable because they don’t measure up in comparison. Ever call someone a ‘Goody Two Shoes’ or ‘Teacher’s Pet’? Didn’t like them much, did you? Why? No, doubt it was because the mirror they held up toward you (not intentionally, mind

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4th Thursday of Lent

Jesus says in John’s Gospel that John the Baptizer was a ‘burning and shining lamp’ and that people were ‘content to rejoice in his light’. But just like the shining golden calf in today’s excerpt from Exodus, shiny doesn’t mean best. The Israelites needed an idol; John’s followers needed something new. Neither group saw what

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4th Wednesday of Lent

Today the Prophet Isaiah tells the heavens to sing out and the mountains to burst into song with joy. I wonder what the stars and mountains would sound like if I could hear them singing? I’ve heard the whoosh of a falling star, and the roar of wind on a mountain top. Those sounds are

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4th Tuesday of Lent

When I read Ezekiel’s vision of enough water flowing from the Temple to freshen the sea, my first thought was “They need a plumber!!” Then after my giggles subsided, I thought, ‘what flows out of me?’ Do I give life as this stream does? Am I a source of refreshment? Do I bring gladness? Do

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