Ash Wednesday March 5, 2025

Tradition holds that King David wrote Psalm 51 after his adulterous affair with Bathsheba. Unable to control his lust, he had her brought to him and arranged the heath of her husband, Uriah. Their love-child died. David begged God to let the child live. God’s answer was, “No”. Then in tears and deep sorrow, he wrote this beautiful penitential prayer/psalm. One can hear the pain and tears in every verse. God forgave David and blesses him with another child, Solomon, by Bathsheba. Jesus’ family tree goes back tooth’s child. I wonder how many more times David prayed this Psalm? I’m guessing ofter, but not just about his love-child, his adultery, and murder. David had a “colorful” life. We pray this psalm today, and maybe should pray it often. As a nation, we should pray it daily as murder is visited upon the hungry, homeless, and sick. The policies that strip the needed of dignity are sinful. Unless we resist, we are culpable.

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