April 14, 2022
The season of Lent ends with the setting of the sun and we begin the Triduum with Holy Thursday. The readings for today are the same every year. We celebrate the dual meaning of today—Eucharist and Service. First, we read from the Book of Exodus about the Passover—how the Israelites readied themselves to escape their enslavement in Egypt by eating a special meal and marking the door with the sign of blood. We celebrate the Sacrament of Communion, our version of the Last Supper based on the Passover Seder meal in tonight’s readings. Our psalm’s refrain sings of the communion cup, the blood of Christ, and then 1 Corinthians recounts the institution of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) by Jesus. This sacrament is the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to be with us always, until the end of time. If we eat at the Communion Table, partaking of the body and blood of Christ, then we are called to serve as Christ did. John’s Gospel shows us how to serve by presenting to us the humble service Jesus Christ rendered to his disciples—he washed their feet. This chore was reserved for the lowliest of slaves. We are told by Jesus that we must “love one another” and “serve”. Today is also called “Maundy Thursday” taken from the Latin word “mandatum” (commandment). The new commandment or mandate is to have a special holy love (“agape” in Greek) for all.