Today, Daniel addresses the Almighty as “Lord, great and awesome God…” Now that is what I call a salutation!! He goes on to say that God is compassionate and forgiving no matter what. Jesus, in Luke’s Gospel excerpt, promises that we will receive blessings—they will overflow!! That should cause me to think about how I address God, not that I write God letters, though maybe I should. When I begin praying, I’m pretty sure the first words I say are not how awesome God is and to be grateful for the loving forgiveness I’ve been given. Why do I tend to begin my prayers with a plea for yet another gift—healing for a loved one, strength in an upcoming or on-going trial, or victims of some catastrophe? I see that I really should bless God for being God. Yes, I know that God does not need to be blessed and praised by me, but in doing so, I will come to see that I am not God. I can do nothing without God. Addressing God as God should be addressed, places me in right relationship to God. A lesson in humility and gratitude. Not a bad way to begin each and every day. “Good morning, Lord, great and awesome God! I bless you for your glory and praise you for your goodness to me.” I wonder if I have any nice stationary?