Saturday March 19, 2022 St. Joseph Spouse of Mary
The Church sets aside today to celebrate and venerate a special man, St. Joseph. Our readings speak of fulfilling prophecies: the promise to Abraham that he would father many nations and to David that his kingdom would be made firm—always ruled by an heir. We Christians recognize Jesus as the one who fulfills these prophecies. St. Joseph makes that possible by saying yes to the Lord. St Joseph’s yes was just as important as Mary’s yes was. Without him, the lineage of Jesus could not be traced back to King David and the prophecies would have remained empty. Then Joseph went on to raise Jesus, to teach him, love him, discipline him as if he were his biological son. St. Joseph never speaks a word in sacred scripture, but he is a man who doesn’t need to speak with his mouth, his works proclaim what a fine man he was. I have come to hold St. Joseph in high esteem due to writing a book about his life. My exploration of him opened my eyes to a man I felt I did not know. I wanted to know him better and now I do. If you’d like to meet the St Joseph I met, read my book; Yosef’s Path: Lessons from my Father. Quick links for ordering are on another page of my website.