April 2, 2022 Francis of Paola
As we draw closer to Holy Week, our scripture readings take on a darker tone. The foreshadowing of Good Friday is evident today. Jeremiah has recourse to God for deliverance as he is led like a trusting lamb to the slaughter. Like many before and after him, his life was endangered by the unpleasant truth he proclaimed. Because of his unflinching words, Jesus is the target of plots. He is derided and declared a false prophet for not being what was expected. John’s Gospel clearly divides those who are for or against Jesus. We must not be too quick to assume that we would on the side of Jesus if we had lived in Jerusalem at that time. It is too easy, from the distance of so many years, to place ourselves on the right side. I want to believe that I would have been, but a voice inside my head warns me that if that were true I be hated today for my actions. Is anyone seeking to “kill” me for my words, my actions, my fidelity to God? Why not? Is it because I am afraid to live my faith? Just what kind of disciple am I, then? An even harder question is, how often have I betrayed Jesus just today? Is there a Good Friday of sorts in my future? Would I welcome it? Have I earned it?