Sunday December 5, 2021 Jesse Tree- Judah Luke 3:1-6
The Evangelist, Luke, sets the stage for us today, by giving us a specific point of historical reference. He sets the political stage. This time was not a major moment in the history of the Roman Empire, nor was Tiberius a particularly noteworthy Emperor. It is into this ordinary time that John the Baptizer, the son of an insignificant priest, came to announce the coming of the Messiah. Our Jesse Tree ornament today is Judah. We don’t really have a historical reference for him. But we know he came at the right time. Both the genealogies of Matthew and Luke trace Jesus through Judah. But why him? He was not the oldest nor the most famous of Jacob’s twelve sons. Yet God chose him to be his instrument just as he chose the obscure John the Baptizer. We too have been born into an ordinary family at what seems like an ordinary time. Yet God has proven time and time again that he can work with anyone, so be open for what God can do with you.