In the reading from Genesis today, God promises Abraham to be God to him and to his descendants. Jesus promised that we will never die. What does that mean—to be our God forever and we will never die? I don’t know, but I got to wondering about all the people who came before me, contributing genes (DNA, okay, I’m a science nerd!) to make me who I am. It must be a huge number! Is that part of never dying—to have descendants? And how faithful were they? I’m guessing, given the number of people we are taking about, there were some shady characters! But here I am today, just plain Jane. I am a biological dead end, but that doesn’t bother me. I will leave a legacy by how I’ve influenced those with whom I’ve come in contact. More importantly, I need to give thanks for all the people generations back, the good and the sketchy, who brought me to today. God was their God, and God is my God. That is pretty powerful. Makes me wish I’d gotten more stories from my grandparents about their grandparents.