Today is the feast day of Timothy and Titus, disciples of Paul. What is most compelling to me about this day is not what they did, but how they acquired their faith. In the readings for today tell us that Timothy’s faith was handed on to him by his grandmother, Lois, and his mother, Eunice. I, too was handed my faith to me by my grandmother and mother. Both of these women had a strong faith, and gave that gift to me. I am forever indebted to them for that. Since I have not been blessed with children, I have to which I can hand this most precious gift. So you, my dear readers are the recipients of this gift. Titus was sent to foreign country to preach and was appointed bishop of Crete. I am not going to a foreign country (unless you call the web a foreign country) but I am supposed to preach the good news. My baptism confers that command upon me and all the baptized. The good news is not new, but it is good: We are loved more than we can ever know. We are forgiven when we ask sincerely. There is something better waiting for us if we choose to follow Jesus’ path.
To see another way faith may be handed on, read my new book, Yosef’s Path; Lessons from my Father. Have a blessed day.