Palm Sunday 2023

Jesus is not the person I would want to take a trip with because he doesn’t plan. He assumes that he will find what he needs. Today’s scriptures give us two examples of that—the first Gospel from Matthew recounts Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Before he gets to town, he sends disciples off to find a […]

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Saturday 5th Week of Lent

Today we hear that Jesus has gone into hiding. John’s Gospel tells how the Sanhedrin was convened and decided to have Jesus killed. So, Jesus needs some time to gather his strength before his ordeal commences. We take time to prepare for any major event in our lives. And Jesus has his disciples with him

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Friday 5th Week of Lent

The readings are getting darker as we approach Holy Week. Poor Jeremiah is being stalked, and so is Jesus in John’s Gospel. I want to focus on a bright spot that comes at the end of today’s Gospel reading. “Many began to believe in him” because of what John the Baptizer had said. I got

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Thursday 5th Week of Lent

In the reading from Genesis today, God promises Abraham to be God to him and to his descendants. Jesus promised that we will never die. What does that mean—to be our God forever and we will never die? I don’t know, but I got to wondering about all the people who came before me, contributing

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Wednesday 5th Week of Lent

In John’s Gospel today, those listening to Jesus insist that they are not slaves—they are free. Jesus reminds them that they are slaves to sin. In the excerpt from Daniel, the three youths are free because they refuse to bow to the societal norms of the day, choosing instead to be thrown into a furnace. The world

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Tuesday 5th Week of Lent

Did you ever wonder where the symbol for the medical profession of a snake on a pole came from? Today’s reading from Numbers will tell you. The Israelites were instructed to gaze upon a snake to be cured of snake bite inflicted upon them because of disobedience. In John’s Gospel, Jesus says that when he

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Monday 5th Week of Lent

Two women, two charges of adultery. Today’s readings consist of familiar stories—Susannah (from the book Daniel) who is wrongfully charged, and the un-named woman caught in adultery (from John’s Gospel). In each case, the worst was believed. Do I do that? Do I immediately assume guilt because it is easier than finding the truth or

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Sunday 5th Week of Lent

Today is the last of the big conversion stories of John’s Gospel—the raising of Lazarus. It is a wonderful story, filled with Martha’s coming to mature faith, the promise to us of resurrection, and the power of Jesus. All of these are worthy of taking time to ponder. However, I want to talk about the

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Saturday 4th Week of Lent

Annunciation of the Lord I love that in the midst of Lent we have this wonderful feast day! The readings for today are so familiar that we may not really hear them anymore. But listen to what they say: Isaiah promises that a young girl will bring forth “God is With Us”! With us! Not

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Friday 4th Week of Lent

Wow! today is a lesson in not wanting to change—to hear that we have erred. In the Book of Wisdom, a plot is forming to destroy the prophet who reproves those in the wrong. The wicked say that “merely to see him is a hardship for us”. Jesus is facing mounting disdain for his message,

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