I’ve heard it said that the longest journey begins with a step. That first step can often be the hardest, especially if I am comfortable where I am. I know that I need to move toward God, but that requires acknowledging my peccadillos and moving away from them. The prophet Ezekiel tells us today, in our excerpt from the Hebrew Scriptures, that the Lord delights in us when we move away from our past, put our “crimes” behind us, and turn toward virtue. All the past is forgotten by God. Jesus, in today’s Gospel from Matthew, raises the ante a bit saying that if we remember something we’ve done wrong, we must redress that before offering our gifts (ourselves) to God. That is why that first step is so hard. How many wrongs do I have to redress? It may take all of Lent to ask pardon. The Psalm for today assures us that with the Lord there is forgiveness and redemption. The first step for me is to identify where I am headed. Then I’m going to have to find a better path by seeking forgiveness. So, let me take this opportunity to ask that if I have offended or hurt any of you, my readers, please know that I am truly sorry. I need you to walk with me, so we need to be reconciled. I am stronger with you beside me. Thank you for walking with me.