Today is the feast of St. Joseph the Husband of Mary. Just what do we really know about St. Joseph? Unfortunately, very little. The genealogies of Luke and Matthew trace his ancestors back to King David. He was a good and upright man. He was the stepfather of Jesus. Not a lot to go on. But I have let my mind roam a bit as suggested by St. Ignatius of Loyola in his Spiritual Exercises. In fact, I let myself roam to the point that I have written a book about St. Joseph (trying to get it published). In my musings, I found him to be a wise and thoughtful man. Many of the saying we read in the Gospels from Jesus may have been based on conversations he had with his stepfather. St. Joseph would have had to have been a major influence on Jesus as any father would be. Today, think about your own father. What pearls of wisdom did he give to you? Have you come to understand them better with age? Spend a moment giving thanks for him, and if he is still alive, tell him. Our time on this earth is fleeting, so do it sooner rather than later.
Image from Southteaxaspress