Monday of Holy Week March 29, 2021

Today we hear one of the four Suffering Servant Songs from Isaiah.  The prophet calls this un-named servant “my chosen one.” And in today’s Gospel from John, Jesus is anointed with costly oils. Scripture Scholars have pointed to Jesus as the un-named Servant from Isaiah. The Servant who speaks eloquently, teaches well, and has commission from God to heal. But my pastor has told us often that if a person in scriptures is un-named, we are to take on that person’s role. That is scary, if you closely read today’s passage from Isaiah, because we are called then to do a lot. And if we do it, we will be hated and maybe put to death. Remember, we were anointed at Baptism and some of us again at Confirmation and a few of us at Holy Orders, just as Jesus and the Suffering Servant was. Pray for strength.  Photo Credit Cyril Hadzi

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