
Saturday after Ash Wednesday

Saturday March 5, 2022

I’m going to talk about my dad. Today is his 100th birthday. The Responsorial Psalm is Palm 86. Our response is “Teach me your way, Lord, that I may walk in your truth”. I had the best teacher. God gave me Daddy. My father is a man of strong faith. He does not stand on the street corner and harangue folks about the fires of Hell. No, Daddy never condemns, he leads by example. His faith is as much a part of him as breathing. He kept the sabbath holy as the reading from Isaiah, today, exhorts us to do if we expect God to listen to us. Dad has complete trust in God. He may not have always liked what came his way, like my mother’s recent death, but he believed it was what was right at the time. He knows that only God has the long view of life, so he trusts. I give thanks to God that he placed me under Daddy’s care. Daddy has given me a wonderful gift: a portion of his faith. If I can grow to have half the faith he has, I will be lucky. This wonderful man taught me more than I can list on this blog, and I thank God daily. I hope that I can honestly pray, the way Daddy would, verse two of today’s Psalm: “Keep my life, for I am devoted to you; save your servant who trusts in you. You are my God.” Happy Birthday, Daddy. Thank you. I love you!!

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