March 31, 2022
God sends the right people at the right time. Today, we see Moses once again, in a passage from Exodus. The Israelites have turned away from God and made a golden calf to worship. Moses beseeches God to not let his blazing anger consume the wayward people. Moses reminds God of the covenant he made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God remembers and relents. John the Baptizer was sent to prepare a people to receive Jesus and his teachings, as we are reminded today in the Gospel of John. Both Abraham and John the Baptizer spoke out when it was difficult. Both men spoke the truth. Jesus says that on the day of judgement, Moses will speak ill of us if we forget the teachings of Jesus. We have been given second chances and have had a way prepared for us. Now, it is up to us to walk the path before us. But lest you think that no one will intercede for us if we stray from time to time, remember that ‘God so loved the world, he sent his only son, not to condemn, but to bring us to eternal life.’ (John 3:16-17) God always sends the right people at the right time.