Thursday 4th Week of Lent March 18, 2021

Today Moses talks God out of destroying the Israelites.  Remember, Moses is the one with a speech impediment. But he finds his tongue and calms the Lord God’s anger. Not bad for a stutterer! I wonder how many Israelites thanked Moses for arguing on their behalf. Did they even think he could do that? How much ridicule did Moses endure because of his impediment? Do we judge others harshly or have lower expectations because of what we see as an impediment? Many have overcome high hurdles (think President Biden) and deserve our esteem. I struggle with dyslexia. I have not let it keep me from writing. I want no praise. I only ask that we remember: everyone is made in the image of God and therefore deserves respect even if they stutter, like Moses did or have some other disability. We may never know when someone with a perceived impediment might be the one who saves our bacon—just like Moses did. Be kind today.   Image from Pintrest

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