Thursday December 9, 2021 Jesse Tree- Joshua Isaiah 41:13-20 and Matt 11:11-15
Isaiah assures us that God will grasp us by the hand to help us. We are not to fear. Jesus says that John the Baptizer is the greatest person ever born, but everyone is even greater than he in God’s Kingdom. Our Jesse Tree addition today is Joshua. He was the hand-picked successor to Moses. God’s hand was upon him as he led the Israelites on the last leg of their journey, across the Jordan into the Promised land. John the Baptizer, described by Jesus as the greatest person born of woman, was the one who made ready the way for Jesus and baptized him in the Jordan. So, no matter if we work preparing to bring about the Kingdom, or if we lead people along the way blazed by others, our task is important. And by doing what we are called to do, God will grasp us by the hand, strengthen us, and we will be great in the Kingdom— even greater than John. So put on your hiking boots, we have a road to walk.