Tuesday 3rd Week of Lent March 9, 2021

Jesus tells a parable today. https://bible.usccb.org/readings/calendar.   The parable of the debtor who does not show mercy as he had been shown mercy. We are then told to forgive, from our hearts, those who hurt us in any way because we have been shown mercy. But for me, a very real reason to forgive is because holding onto a grudge only hurts me. The person is unaware. They live on never suspecting that I hold a grudge against them. This can be years old, too. When I’ve managed to find it in my heart to let go of that old pain and truly forgive, it is like a huge weight being lifted. I am the one who is set free. I am the one who has more room for love. My eyes are opened to how much I need to ask for forgiveness from others. Forgiveness begets forgiveness. If you are nursing a grudge, no matter why, whom, or how long, see if you can find a way to let it go like releasing birds. As it flies away, you’ll feel so much better. Photo Hollowells.com 

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