Scripture is full of water today. We have a stream flowing out of the Temple that is so large it makes salt water fresh in the reading from Ezekiel. The Psalm tells is that there is a stream whose runlets gladden the city of God. In John’s gospel, Jesus heals a disabled man by the pool called Bethesda. So much water. We need water. Try getting along without it. Can’t be done. We survive longer without food than water. Water is a life-giving force, a cleaning agent, a symbol of renewal. The scriptures point to all those meanings of water. There is a reason baptism uses water. Baptism is so much more than just washing away Original Sin or any sin. It is rebirth. It is life giving. We are to draw on that water everyday of our lives. It is a source that never runs dry. We can make salty days fresh if we choose. We can bring healing to the disenfranchised. Our water is meant to flow out of us and gladden the city of God. Image from Alamy.