I will begin with a disclaimer—I do not have a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother. I do, however, revere her and ask her intersession frequently. Now having said that, I wish to share a childhood memory.
One thing I loved to do as a girl was to keep a May Altar for Mary during the month of May. We had a statue of Our Lady (as I’m willing to bet most Catholic families did) and she was given a place of honor in our living room. During May, the month devoted to Mary, I would bring in wildflowers to set before her statue. I brought in whatever was blooming—Violets, Bishop’s Caps, Larkspur, Sweet Williams, and anything else I could get. It was a task I took upon myself, and one I enjoyed. My mom, who must have been one the most indulgent and patient mothers of all times, did not try to micromanage my altar. It was mine and she let it be mine. Mary has always been associated with Roses, but we didn’t have Roses until later when the Memorial Day Roses bloomed. I would tell Mary that these wildflowers were the best I could do and hoped she didn’t mind.
Now, I still keep an altar for Mary. I no longer worry about not having Roses. I bring whatever is in my yard. I like keeping the tradition of honoring Mary, and it reminds me of my childhood. I know now that no matter what type of flowers I place before the Blessed Mother, she is pleased. What mother does not thrill at a bouquet of dandelions or other such weeds, lovingly picked by their child? None, I’m guessing. Any gesture of love is just that, a gesture of love. I cannot speak from firsthand knowledge about how a mother would feel, but I welcome tokens of love and respect however they are given. I’m sure Our Lady is even more generous with her gratitude. I wish you all tokens of love this month. May Mary Our Mother send you grace.