God surprises! Cyrus, king of Persia liberated the enslaved Israelites. https://bible.usccb.org/readings/calendar. When he conquered the Chaldeans, he inherited the Hebrew slaves. He was their master. The author of Ephesians suggests that we are mastered by our transgressions, and John’s Gospel assures us that Christ came not to condemn, but to save. At every moment, after every transgression, God is willing to free us from our captivity. King Cyrus could have kept the Hebrews enslaved. It was good for business. But he didn’t. When we are enslaved by our own designs, God could forget us as we’ve forgotten God. But God doesn’t. We don’t merit it, but God is rich in mercy. We need only ask, because God is rich in mercy. There are many like King Cyrus in our lives—being merciful. Mercy can be surprising when it comes. Surprise someone today. Image from Pintrest.