March 29, 2022
Our readings today echo the theme of yesterday—newness. From the prophet Ezekiel we hear about water in astounding abundance flowing from the temple (God). All along this life-giving stream are animals and fruit-bearing trees of every kind. There is so much water that it freshens the salty sea. All is made new monthly, and the Psalmist tells us that this gladdens the City of God, the dwelling place of our God. In other words, God delights in the creatures who live in the flowing stream of his love. See also—us!! Once again, Jesus is creating newness in John’s Gospel. A crippled man, unable to bathe in the waters of Bethesda, is healed. The man, now baptized in Christ, takes his mat and tells all who will listen about the gift of wholeness he has received. We who have been baptized in the waters of God’s love should be telling of the wholeness we have received. We are called to be prophets. We are a new creation by virtue of our baptism. Think of that when you see water today.